You will be able to access the requests and their status (pending, cancelled or accepted) for the various products via this section:
The employee’s information (DNI, first and last name), the nursery they have requested, the monthly nursery fee, the date upon which the request has been made and, its status will be shown. You will also be able to filter the information by date, benefit model or request status. This information may also be sent to your own email address.
When an employee makes a training request, it will appear in the training section as a pending request.
In this case, you will have to consider if the requested course is related to the employee’s position at the company. When it is, you will have to accept the training request. Once accepted, the amount that the company pays is to be entered (in the event of the company wishing to subsidise the training in full or in part), or when the training is to be paid in full by the employee, you will have to choose the number of salaries to which the amount will be charged to the employee.
Health Insurance
The employee’s information (DNI, first and last name), the health insurance they have requested, the monthly policy amount, the date upon which the request has been made, and its status will be shown. As with the other products, the information may be sent via email.