To upload your employees, you must fill in the information in the template that you can download in the "Add Employees" modal. Remember that the people you add must have an employment contract with your company.
ℹ️ It is important to maintain the structure of the template and not change the order or format of the columns. Some fields have pre-established values that should not be changed, such as the tax regime or cost centers. |
- Name (mandatory): You must add the full name of the employee, without surnames.
- Surnames (mandatory): You must enter all the surnames of the employee. Keep in mind that, depending on the nationality, you must include one or two surnames.
- Email (mandatory): You must enter the email address with which your employees will manage their Cobee account and where they will receive all our communications.
- Identity document (mandatory): You must enter the complete number of the employee's document with its corresponding letter. You should not enter hyphens or spaces.
- Annual gross salary (mandatory): You must include the corresponding amount to the gross salary of each employee. You should not include dots or commas in each amount or decimals. In case an employee has a variable part of their remuneration (bonuses, commissions, etc.), it is up to them whether to include it in the platform. We recommend taking into account the variable part if the percentage of the total salary is high. To do this, you can average the variable received in the previous year.
Tax region (mandatory): You must enter the tax region where the employee pays the most for the year. The regime is a financing system that each of the three territories of the Basque Country and the Foral Community of Navarra use to maintain, establish and regulate their own taxes. The valid values in the column are:
- VIZ-GUI (Foral regime of Vizcaya and Guipuzcoa, Basque Country)
- ALAV (Foral regime of Álava, Basque Country)
- NAVARRA (Foral Community of Navarra)
- Internal ID (optional): It is the internal ID of your employee management platform, so you can cross Cobee reports with your internal tools.
- Cost center (optional): It is the cost center of your company that the employee is assigned to. You must use the alias that you have established within the Cost Centers table that you have within the settings section of your dashboard.
- Company (optional): The company you want to associate the employee with to distinguish it in the payroll report.
- Hiring date (mandatory): You must enter the date on which the employee was hired.